Hello everyone. These times have everyone uncomfortably stressed to some degree. What I find is that folks coming out to ride their horses, offers them some sense of normalcy. Appreciating the physical exercise and comfort from their close relationship with their horse. Since some of the folks have been laid off, they...
2016 Equine Event: Spring Schooling Show
Our Spring Schooling Show was held in May and everyone in attendance had a wonderful day. Held at Seahorse Ranch, the event is designed for riders that are new to competition, allowing them to learn in a relaxed and non-competitive environment.
Heat Safety While Horse Riding During The Summer Months
I must admit that when summer rolls around where my ranch is, we are usually putting jackets on over long sleeves! Los Osos is known for “June Gloom” and cool summer days. When I leave our cool climate to clinic or compete however, I run head on into preparing for heat challenges.
Why Dressage?
After having ridden almost all of my life and experienced many equine disciplines, I am daily reminded of how much I love the sport of dressage. It is mainly an English discipline using an English saddle and a snaffle bit. It may be studied using any type of riding horse, as it will improve their...