I have had the pleasure of working with Barbi Breen-Gurley for over twenty years now. I am very honoured to be included in her team of professionals and be an important part of her ‘circle of influence’ when it comes to the holistic care of her horses. I think Barbi is truly one of America’s best trainers — she has shown successfully all the way up to Grand Prix herself, and most of her students are also our clients. I have been pleased to see an improvement in her horses or in those of her students every time I am there, which is in itself very rewarding for us both.
– Jochen Schleese

I have worked with Barbi for several years on a number of horses from Training Level to Grand Prix. She puts good basics on her horses and they have all shown a happy willingness to work for her. Barbi is earnest to become the best rider she can be; she is hard working and effective in her corrections when instructions are given. She contributes to the betterment of the sport.
– Conrad Schumacher

I have known Barbi for over thirty years and worked with her for over twenty. I have always enjoyed working with her as I no sooner offer a correction and she has implemented it. I have watched her make a number of correctly trained Grand Prix horses.
– Laurie Falvo-Doyle

I have been acquainted with Barbi at shows for about six to seven years. We began to work together in clinics more recently. I am extremely happy to see the progress in her horses every time I come. It is obvious she trains with effective attention to correct basics. Each time I am able to move with her to the next level with piaffe, passage, pirouette, and other movements.
I am very impressed with how nice, quiet and happy the horses are at Sea Horse Ranch. I am also pleased to work with her motivated students. They show talent and love for dressage and are a clear representation of good riding in America. I admire Barbi’s passion and dedication to the sport.
– Alfredo Hernandez

In November I had the pleasure of working with Barbi Breen-Gurley when she attended one of my Tellington TTouch Training weeks with a student and several horses. Barbi brought Tango, the seventh horse she has trained to Grand Prix level. Tango is a very talented horse who tends to be spooky in new surroundings; a behavior found in many sensitive horses, for which TTouch Training is particularly effective. I was very impressed to observe the skill and sensitivity Barbi brings to the training of her horses and her students and I look forward to our continuing exchange of knowledge in the future.
– Linda Tellington-Jones

We, at DG Bar Ranch are very proud to have three horses shown very successfully by Barbi and we are looking forward to continuing our relationship in the future.
– Willy Arts

Octango has a lot of talent. When are you going to pull the blocks out and really show what you can produce?
– Robert Dover